Словосочетания со словами in o. Страница одиннадцать

put one's foot in it
put one's foot in one's mouth
To speak carelessly and rudely; hurt another's feelings without intending to; make a rude mistake.
Сказать какую-либо грубость; говорить необдуманно; поранить чьи-либо чувства по неосторожности; сделать грубую ошибку.
He put his foot in it with his remark about self-made men because Jones was one of them.
She put her foot in her mouth with her joke about that church, not knowing that one of the guests belonged to it.
He was afraid lest he should put his foot in his mouth, so he decided to keep silent.
Он боялся того, как бы не попасть впростак, поэтому он решил молчать.
Fred really put his foot in his mouth when he called his supervisor by the wrong name.
I really put my foot in it when I forgot my girlfriend’s birthday and didn’t buy her anything. She almost lost her cool.
I put my foot in it when I asked Meg about the party. It turned out she hadn't been invited.
put one's house in order
set one's house in order
To arrange your affairs in good order.
Организовывать свои дела в правильном, хорошем порядке.
Grandfather knew he would not live long and set his house in order.
When Mr. Black died, his lawyer helped the widow put her house in order.
The government should put its own house in order before telling other countries what to do.
Правительство должно привести в порядок свои дела, прежде чем указывать другим странам, что делать.
You’d better put your own house in order before telling me what to do.
Сначала бы сам навел порядок в своих делах, а потом бы говорил, что мне делать.
quaking in one's boots
Быть чем-то сильно напуганным; испугаться.
When he saw the crocodiles in the water, he started quaking in his boots.
Когда он увидел крокодилов в воде, то перепугался.
rain on one's parade
Расстраивать чьи-то планы.
"I am going to throw a big New Year party. Please don’t rain on my parade."
"Я собираюсь провести большую новогоднюю вечеринку. Пожалуйста, не расстраивайте мои планы."
rain on
To bring misfortune to (someone); to complain to (someone) about one's bad luck.
Don't rain on me.
rain or shine
If the weather is stormy or if it is fair.
При любой погоде, и в дождь и в снег.
The parade will start promptly, rain or shine.
We are having a barbecue tomorrow, rain or shine.
Завтра у нас будет барбекю при любой погоде.
Come rain or shine I’ll be at school tomorrow.
Что бы ни случилось, завтра я буду в школе.
No matter; if your luck is good or bad.
Что-то, что выполняется всегда.
Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine.
He goes to the gym club every day, come rain or shine.
Он ходит в спортзал каждый день, чтобы ни случилось.
rain out
rained out
Stopped by rain.
Не состояться из-за дождя.
The ball game was rained out in the seventh inning.
The Friday night rally in the stadium was rained out.
The art festival, which was supposed to be outdoors, was rained out yesterday afternoon.
Фестиваль искусства, который, как предполагалось, будет происходить на природе, вчера не состоялся из-за дождя.
regain one's feet
To get back up again after falling down.
Tom fell while he skied down the hill but he regained his feet quickly.